I'm thirsty. Where's the pop? Or soda. Or Coke. Can you imagine that 300 young Rebublicans and Democrats from all over the country in close confines with each other will have the most heated arguement be about what you call that carbonated sugar water that is soda pop?
In this strange documentation is the records and thoughts of a person that is confused about this world, looking for good, and trying to deal with the high amount of "stupid" in the world we live in. in the least of the sense. I hope that you will find something that will intrigue you and inform you of a life as a country boy in a small town looking for love and the life to live.
I'm thirsty. Where's the pop? Or soda. Or Coke. Can you imagine that 300 young Rebublicans and Democrats from all over the country in close confines with each other will have the most heated arguement be about what you call that carbonated sugar water that is soda pop?
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