Great New Post!!!!!
The Social Security deficit is not as bad as the population thinks that it may be. It is said that Bush is looking at a “Slow leek” rather than the tree that he has driven into. The current work that Bush has done with his tax cuts and his reform to the Social Security have forced the U.S. to have a large debt much like that of the Regan administration. Bush is looked at to have either been incompetent, have undermined the New Deal ideology, or tried to hard to boost the interests of the economy for wall streets interests with the economic choices that he has made. The government is shit and the country has gone to shit. It has also gone down the crapper. When looking at how much deep shit that this country is in I will always wonder if I will move to another country and try to make anew there. The debt that we are in dose not seem that it will go away and it is predicted that by 2020 the economy will be down the hole in the ground behind your house in your humble home of the country residence that you live in now. I see that the reason for most of the troubles in the country today is the large differences in the jack asses and the elephants views. I feel that if the stupid dumb shits that are in the damned government would just look out for the interests of the country in stead of there own fucking interests then the government would be in much better shape such as it was at the begging of this glorious country.
This sounds familiar...but I agree with you. And you know who will be paying off the You, me, and the rest of the people who can't vote yet.
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