Monday, February 28, 2005

Leap year

To day is the leap month, day and year for the extra 1\4 day accumulted each year and it is Michael Plant's b-day and is a good baseball player, but is not good at track, which he is not doing because its a boring sport that only little dwbs play to say there so cool and to try to get the "chicks" thats what christen says but i dont think they do get the "chicks" but all in all i do like track and like he sayed im not very good at it. this has been written by the one the only michael plant. aka the big cahoona.

Well the final project is due next week and it is worth 97% of our final grade, Dewey is writing the paper, Michael Plant is making the web site and I do not know what I am doing.
If any body has any ideas for me tell me.

The Sniper of Yamhill.


At 12:54 PM, Blogger Dewsta said...

Word.....happy b-day plant!!! We won the game!!!

At 2:36 PM, Blogger roverandom said...

build a builder that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes more builders that makes a cahoonathite

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Dikiyoba said...

I would do track but I hate running.


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