I am a FAN of Tim Fodge, I am proving it by posting it on the blog!! to vist the Tim Fodge blog go to
www.timfodge.blogspot.com for more info.
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Fodge jr and Linsey in the van.
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Dewey's hat and the water bottle I gave him for his B-day.
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Crazy Shawn Wilcox smiling in his crazy way, looks hungry.
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Dewey, poseing for a nice pic in the hot sun in Mexico.
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Mr. Fodge painting a wall in the newlly formed house.
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Today I went into Mac with Liam, Heath, and there mom to get a Tux for myself, that will be used on prom night, (next saterday). I chose an older style for myself, the cost was at about one hundred dollars! Tomarrow Mindy and Jenn might come out to Yamhill to vist us. SWeet, I haven't seen Mindy since the week after the bike trip, so long ago, but I did see Jenn about one and one half months ago.
This week.
This week and all week there is the usual track practice from 3:30-5:20, But today was the exception, we started at three and got done at four, this was great beacuse I got to take an extra long shower.
Work, yessssssssss, perhaps.
This saterday I am going to go fix tractors with Mark M. and his daughter wacko. ;)
I hope it is worth my while to go and work beacuse I might have the chance to go down to Salem and watch one of my fave exchange student, who is by the way a German.
Hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to find the right girl some day..