Wrangle Butt, That honky Tonk Ba-donky Donk
Kentucky Rifle
Mac Prom. Me+hot date= Good night!
My fears
I dont know. School or no school, missions trip or no trip. Dating, no dating.The questions that I face daily. I feel like crap. My life is before me, but yet. I am still deciding on what I want to do. I have the mind of the blue collar labor man, but the body of the office worker. I want a job that will furnish my family to the best of it's ability. I think welding will get me off to the start that I want. But I dont want to leave my little realm. My realm of friends that will never be the same in a month. They say it will be great to go off and make new friends. I do belive that, but I do not like change. For example our church got rid of the wooden pews that have graced the inside for over a centry. Now we have blue chairs, ugly blue chairs. The feel of the chruch is gone. I know it is still a place of the lord, but for me what gave it such good feeling was the old style. Now it is like any other modern church. Damn'it.I dont want change. I dont like people going away and never coming back, I dont like death of my friends and family. In the end we shall all go on to heaven or hell, but I dont like leaving.I pray that God will show me the way, show me the right girl, and bless my choices.To all my dear friends out there. Dewey, Amber, Josh,Jess, Sammie, Ivory, Collin, Hunter, Marcus, Anna, Scott, Spearman, Brandon, Maggie, Kayla, Pat, and the rest which I have not forgoten. Love you and I shall see you soon.The Sniper of Yamhill