The Family
They Sure know how to pick them, of course, athletic, tall, handsome, and dumb asses. They have had the pot heads, the jocks, the sex addicts, and the older boys. There has been the occasional nice one, still is for that matter, but I wont count it as a relationship.You know them for years, you know how famed there beauty and physical ability is. You feel that you have known them for a long time, but are Never brought any closer than before. They show interest in your life, but it is superficial, they love everyone, and are "just kidding" when they say something mean. You want to love them, you fabricate a relationship, and think that something exists, but after a time, you realize that was your mind tricking you, you have made something that is not true, a relationship that is really no deeper than the muddy puddle in your drive way.
They continue to wreak havoc with the people around them, making and breaking.
And i still love them.