And in the end The love
we Take is Equel to the
Love we Make
The Beatles
The doomed trip
The Doomed Trip
Posted by Hello

Me. One simple word for it, Me
Posted by Hello
The Doomed Trip
Wednsday Josh, Dewey, Mika, and I went up into the Mountains up past the Mac resoviour and were wheeling and we took a jump and landed and after a few feet the import died and we thought we had overheated it and so we went for a hike and came back after a half an hour and it started up and so we highballed it out of the hils. But right next to the resoviour it died going up hill and so Mika and Dewey went up the hill to try to get cell service with my new cell phone, but after a half an hour and they did not come back I went running up ahead and and than with a micralus roar he came charging over the hill in a doomed car and came racing up to me. Then after picking me up we kept going down the hill looking for Dewey and Mika they did not show up for about three miles and I was starting to worry about them and then a pickup stoped as it went by and lo and behold they poped out of the truck and then we kept going down the hill. As it turned out guy in the pickup was a Christian and so the Lord blessed in that sense. We have found a car that is powered by God and so we arrived home in one chunk.
The Cell Telephone
Last night my father went to Costco and purchased 4 Verzion cell phones, One for me one for my sister, and one for each of my parents. COOL and I AM IN.
Econ Test
In about 5 min there is a econ test on want and demand and I am confendent that I will do well. Over the weekend I went to the grandparents of Josh Ison and cut the suckers of there Cherry Trees and made 52 dollars for six and one half hours of work and I am quite satisfide with this amount.
Last night was my family B-Day parity and the gifts that I recived were a 12 gauge shotshell reloder, letterman jacket, 2 pairs of shoes, one pair of Wranglers, one pair of Plugs pants, two long sleveed shirts, lots of candy, Canster of Red Dot Powder, 25 lbs of lead shot, 25o magnum primers, and a bag of sixity empty 12 gague cartgues.
Test aftermath
I have just taken a test that I only studied for about twenty minuntes and In my opinion that I did not do so well. I am sitting next to a freshman I know and her name is Shaila she is in newspaper and is typing up a report on a john doe.
I am going home after school and vacuming the van I used for the Mt. trip with the guys.
Causing trouble
As my pal just stated I am a trouble maker.
Nat is the best.
And last but not least Quitin is the sexiest man in my econ class!!
The half day that was
To day is a half day in the school of Yamhill-Carlton and every child is starving to death beacuse there is no lunch and I am HUNGRY!!!!!!! I think that I will go to Mika Day-Bontly's house and I am HUNGRY!!!!! But I might work on my pickup and take out the starter and I am HUNGRY!!!!!
Icy Winter Formal
To Day was the Day of Yamhill-Carlton's winter formal at the grade school of Yamhill but this morning proved to be to much for school officals and the dance was called off due to icy conditions. The entire day has been a bore.
At three I went down to my shop and picked up tools and listended to Prairy Home Companion on 91.5 FM (NPR) , then it became to cold to function and I came back up to the house and talked to Dewey and Mica on the tely. It is cooling back down and I am thinking about going to The Bontly house to do something.
I hope the dance will come soon.
Yours Truly the Sniper of Yamhill (SOY) (lol)
Steel Cap
This is my at my Church's snow camp and I am wearing a chain mail cap made by a friend
Posted by Hello
Great New Post!!!!!
The Social Security deficit is not as bad as the population thinks that it may be. It is said that Bush is looking at a “Slow leek” rather than the tree that he has driven into. The current work that Bush has done with his tax cuts and his reform to the Social Security have forced the U.S. to have a large debt much like that of the Regan administration. Bush is looked at to have either been incompetent, have undermined the New Deal ideology, or tried to hard to boost the interests of the economy for wall streets interests with the economic choices that he has made. The government is shit and the country has gone to shit. It has also gone down the crapper. When looking at how much deep shit that this country is in I will always wonder if I will move to another country and try to make anew there. The debt that we are in dose not seem that it will go away and it is predicted that by 2020 the economy will be down the hole in the ground behind your house in your humble home of the country residence that you live in now. I see that the reason for most of the troubles in the country today is the large differences in the jack asses and the elephants views. I feel that if the stupid dumb shits that are in the damned government would just look out for the interests of the country in stead of there own fucking interests then the government would be in much better shape such as it was at the begging of this glorious country.
My B-Day!
To day is my Birthday and I am 17 years old and am feeling it. It has been a good day beacuse of the three day weekend and the ski trip up to the ski bowl at mount hood with my dad and my good friend Josh, but my other best friend Dewey cann't go and that is beacuse he has a meeting for a trip to Meixco, sucks. The Winter Formal dance is tomarrow and I am looking foward to this event. Miss Spearman sent me a baloon with a card signed my most of the active FFA'ers. I am in Econ and I need to start writing a report due at the end of this period.
Test Day
To day I found that as it will be a Saddie Hawkins dance and that my "date" will pay for the dinner and the dance. This I find to be very strange and slighy differant. I am getting a ride with Josh who, en route will pick up Oiliva and Kate (our dates), then we will be going to Ruby Tuesday's in Mac, I supose? I am in Econ at the prestent time and there is a presation going on right now and the country is Egypt that is geting a going over by Quinton and James and they are butchering it, that is great.
To day i will go home and drive my friends tractor around the farm and clean up the goat pen and then use the tractor bucket and lift up one side of the old Ford pickup and take off the studed tires and put them on the Dodge van. lord willing I do no break anything in the process. then i will go out in the back forty and cut some more fire wood.
Me and my pal Dewey just did a power point in econ and it went well. School sucks.