Leap year
To day is the leap month, day and year for the extra 1\4 day accumulted each year and it is Michael Plant's b-day and is a good baseball player, but is not good at track, which he is not doing because its a boring sport that only little dwbs play to say there so cool and to try to get the "chicks" thats what christen says but i dont think they do get the "chicks" but all in all i do like track and like he sayed im not very good at it. this has been written by the one the only michael plant. aka the big cahoona.
Well the final project is due next week and it is worth 97% of our final grade, Dewey is writing the paper, Michael Plant is making the web site and I do not know what I am doing.
If any body has any ideas for me tell me.
The Sniper of Yamhill.
Josh the Crazy S.O.B
Am crashing, the loads of work the want of workers, hellpppppppasdjifkl; g;gg .....................
C.S.Lewis BB game
Friday I went to the Homecoming basket ball game for the C.S. Lewis School.
First let me relate what a game is like at this school, no booing, cussing, and compleat slience whenever a free throw is taken, expect when the Yamhill group is there and then there are the clasic calls like warm up the bus, go home now, and what, what, snap.
Argh, comp just ate the last three paragraphs of my blog, alas it is time for me to hit the sack, so good night and God bless
Sniper of Yamhill
The weekend
(Music; Get Low. Little John)
This weekend was a waste of time and all, just beacuse of the EMT class at the Mac fire hall, which ate up all of my saterday, and once I got home I had to watch the kids while my father and mother went up to the Valentines dinner. Then i went up to and spent the night at Ison's house and was up until 12:22 calling and texting people. The next morning I awoke at 9:56 to Kayla telling us to get up for church. At church I sat next to a distant past friend named Jocelyn, she did not make eye contact once the whole time, this is puzzling (Those Harders).
I went down stairs to cought my lungs out, this was ok beacuse I was falling asleep up there.
(I think that Maggie was at a party this weekend)
After church I went into my Grandparents house in the Portland hills and celabrated a b-day for one of my cousins
Don't try
(Music- none)
As a begining Robert M. is one of the most detestable persons as stated by his actions to day, one beacuse he tries to get what he wants by pressing people for it untill they break. Just saying.
To day the lads are comeing over to my house and are going to play foosball to pratice for the compations that are held the eighth.
I would like??
A very old picture from the late eighteen hundreds. A clasic photo in the sense that it portrays a hostile envroment.
Posted by Hello

And old barn in our area and I thought it was interestin and all.
Posted by Hello
The last post of the night
Today was an interesting day beacuse of all the people that noticed me. For some people this seems like a normal thing but for me this is a thing of confusion. Beacuse I am B-dub the person that is allways looking but not saying any thing of use. Caring for people and them not nowing it. Allways being there for some people yet them not knowing it and not saying any thing. I whish I was socialy normal, but as God will have it I am not normal.
I am greatful for the girls in my life that say hi to me on a daily basis named, Kaylie, Jami, Dani, Eliz, Alex, Nat and a few others.
Had he put his gold somewhere else, by a sudden resolution last night, and then forgotten it?
A man falling into dark waters seeks a momentary footing even a sliding stones;
The Weaver of Raveloe
Good night and God bless you all
"A child, more than all other gifts that God can offer to declining man, Brings hope with it, and forward- looking thoughts."